Register for E-Services Help

The Registration Process has 3 steps:
  1. Login information
  2. Services Requested & Contact information
  3. Address/Property information

Step #1 of 3
In order to use some of our E-Services, you must register. The personal information you enter will be used for access to E-Services only. Please fill out the information below.
Email Address:    
Verify Email Address:  
The City of Windsor requires that your Password meet the current requirements.

It must contain at least 8 characters in length and include 3 of 4 of these options:
. Uppercase characters (A through Z) . Lowercase characters (a through z) . Digits (0 through 9) . Non-Alphanumeric characters
Verify Password:  
Please supply two secret questions and answers. These will be used to recover a lost Password or PIN.(Example: A question could be 'What is my mother's maiden name?'. The answer could be 'Smith'.)
Secret Question #1:  
Secret Answer #1:  
Secret Question #2:  
Secret Answer #2: